Privacy Policy

1. Who is the Data Controller?

Sioux y Cyranos, S. A. is responsible for the processing of your personal data for the purposes of providing the services identified in this privacy policy.

Sioux y Cyranos, S. A., is a company registered in C/ Ferraz 84, Tercero Derecha 28008 – Madrid, and its VAT number is A88573605 (hereinafter “Sioux y Cyranos”).

In Sioux y Cyranos we are committed to the fundamental right to the protection of your personal data and this privacy policy is intended to inform you about your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

2. What information do we process?

a) The data that you provide directly to us:

We collect information about you when you contact us through the channels provided for this purpose, such as when you contact us at to request information about our services.

To ensure that the information provided is always up to date and contains no errors, you must notify Sioux y Cyranos as soon as possible of any changes to your personal details.

b) Data obtained indirectly:

When you browse, various cookies and other tracking devices may be installed on your device, as explained in our Cookie Policy.

3. What is the origin of the data?

We consider that all the data processed by Sioux y Cyranos have been freely provided by you.

In the event that the personal data provided are of a third party, you warrant that you have informed them of this Privacy Policy and have obtained their authorization to provide the data to Sioux y Cyranos for the purposes stated above. Likewise, you guarantee that the data provided are accurate and up to date, and you are responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may result from breach of this obligation.

4. For what purpose and on what legitimate basis do we process the data?

Sioux y Cyranos acts as the controller of personal data for the following purposes and in accordance with the following legitimate basis:

• On the basis of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship management:

a) To provide you with the services you have requested from us and to respond to your request for information.

• On the basis of Sioux y Cyranos’ compliance with legal obligations:

a) To enable users to exercise their rights.

b) Comply with the regulations applicable to Sioux y Cyranos.

• On the basis of the explicit, free and unequivocal consent that, where applicable, you give us at the time of collecting your data:

a) Profiling for statistical and/or segmentation purposes and/or automated decision making.

• On the basis of the existence of a legitimate interest on the part of Sioux y Cyranos:

a) Conduct internal reviews and, where appropriate, contact the customer in the event that fraud or identity theft is detected or there are reasonable suspicions of fraud or identity theft.

However, if you do not wish your data to be processed for these purposes, you may object at any time by contacting us at as indicated in the Exercise of Rights section of this Privacy Policy.

5. Data Transfers

All transfers of personal data by us are necessary for the stated purposes, or are carried out in order to comply with a legal obligation:

a) To the public administrations and the administration of justice, and to the security forces in compliance with the legal obligations that apply to us.

In this regard, we inform you that any transfer will be carried out taking into account all the necessary legal safeguards. We also guarantee that we sign specific contracts with all our service providers in accordance with the regulations.

Likewise, Sioux y Cyranos guarantees that in the case of suppliers located in countries outside the European Union or other countries not considered adequate in accordance with data protection regulations, the necessary precautions are taken to ensure that the data can be transferred securely, either because the supplier offers adequate guarantees, through, among others, the signing of Standard Contractual Clauses of the European Commission, or because any of the exceptions included in the regulations are met.

6. Exercising your rights.

We inform you that you may exercise the following rights:

1. The right of access to your personal data in order to know which personal data are being processed and the processing operations being carried out on them.

2. Right to rectify any inaccurate personal data.

3. The right to delete your personal data, when this is possible.

4. The right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data where the accuracy, lawfulness or necessity of the data processing is in doubt, in which case we may retain the data for the purpose of pursuing or defending claims.

5. Right to object to automated decision-making, including profiling.

6. The right to object to the processing of your personal data when the legal basis that enables us to process it, in accordance with section 4 above, is legitimate interest.

7. The right to the portability of your data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it from those indicated in section 4 above is the existence of a contractual relationship or your consent.

8. Right to withdraw consent given to Sioux y Cyranos.

You may exercise your rights at any time for free in the following ways:

1. By sending an e-mail to and indicating the right you wish to exercise.

2. By sending a written request to the address C/ Ferraz 84, Tercero Derecha 28008 – Madrid, indicating the right you wish to exercise.

3. In addition, when you receive any communication from us, by clicking on the unsubscribe section that will be included in that communication, you will be able to unsubscribe from all previously accepted commercial communications.

When you exercise your rights, and only if we have doubts about your identity, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity.

We also inform you that you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that we have committed a breach of the data protection act with regard to the processing of your personal data.

We also inform you that you can subscribe to the Robinson List at the advertising exclusion system managed by the Spanish Digital Economy Association (ADIGITAL), where you can register in order to show your opposition to the use of your data for the purpose of sending you commercial communications.

7. How long we store the data we collect.

We will only keep your data for as long as is necessary to provide these services to you. Any of the details you provide us with through the channels will be blocked as long as they are no longer necessary to manage the service and will only be available in the event that there is a legal obligation (derived from a request from the State Security Forces or the Courts and Tribunals) as well as when you exercise your rights.

8. Security and confidentiality.

In order to prevent unauthorized to access or unauthorized disclosure of personal data, we have put in place appropriate technical and physical measures and business processes to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.

9. Minors.

Minors under 14 years of age will not be able to use the services available through our website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts performed through the site by minors in their care, including the completion of forms with personal data of such minors and the checking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that Sioux y Cyranos has no ability to control whether or not users are minors, should be parents and guardians who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent them from accessing the website and / or provide personal details without their supervision, not assuming any responsibility Sioux y Cyranos in this regard.

10. Updates to our Privacy Policy.

We make our best efforts to keep our privacy policy fully updated. If we make changes, they will be easily identifiable in a clear and specific manner, to the extent possible in the context of the relationship we have established with you (e.g., we may communicate changes to you by email).

This privacy policy has been revised and posted as of 7 November 2022.