Congress bar campaign

Juntos con la hostelería


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Congress Bar”

  • TV

What better place to represent all the bars in Spain than the congress bar? It is in bars that many important decisions are taken, when one is relaxed, comfortable. What better place than the congress bar, the bar that represents us, to take the most important decision for the bars; a country with the highest number of bars per head in the world.

The campaign is a call for solidarity to those who can really do something, with specific measures that will genuinely help our bars, almost 300.000 in Spain, the place with the most number of bars per capita in the world… because as the spot says, if it’s a choice between your money and your life, let it be life, the life of our bars. The hospitality sector showed its appreciation for this initiative and many shared it on their social media accounts. Masterchef posted it on their social media with almost one million followers.


The hospitality sector is one of the main pillars of the Spanish economy, accounting for 6.2% of GDP. Despite its relevance, the sector is especially fragile and vulnerable to crises such as the Covid 19 current one.

Without support measures to increase liquidity levels, the funding required would be between €10 and €16 billion for the sector to meet fixed operating costs during the crisis.

The hospitality sector in Spain consists of 314k catering and accommodation establishments, has a turnover of €124 billion and generates 1.7 million jobs. It is one of the most important sectors in Spain, with a relative weight in the economy much higher than in other countries.

The hospitality industry is going through one of the hardest times in recent years.

Increase attendance of bars.

1. Raise awareness in society about the precarious state of the hospitality industry.

2. Make an appeal to entities and institutions on the need for urgent support.

The economic situation has presented many brands that depend on the hospitality industry with an opportunity to engage in communication in support of the sector. Many of these brands have done so with a message of support, but support in words rather than in deeds – in measures. Strategically, from AECOC we send a message to the institutions: they should be the ones to lead the support… which is what really makes the difference.

We felt that the message to the end customer was unnecessary as it is clear that people are eager to go to the bars, just take a look at the crowded terraces.

What better place to represent all the bars in Spain than the congress bar? It is in bars that many important decisions are taken, when one is relaxed, comfortable. What better place than the congress bar, the bar that represents us, to take the most important decision for the bars; a country with the highest number of bars per capita in the world.

The campaign is a call for solidarity to those who can really do something, with specific measures that will genuinely help our bars… because as the spot says, if it’s a choice between your money and your life, let it be life, the life of our bars.

  • It has been broadcast on the Atresmedia Group, Movistar+ and thematic networks, free-to-air (TRECE, DKISS; DMAX, RealMadridTV9 and pay channels.
  • We reached 101 GRP’s20″ in Adults+16, which being our 65″ commercial has allowed us to reach almost 7.5MM Adults, 19.7% of the total Adults+16 (Coverage) in Spain, 7.8MM Individuals+4.
  • The hospitality sector showed its appreciation for this initiative, and many shared it on their social media accounts.
  • MasterChef posted it on their social media with almost one million followers.

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