Big Bang Campaign

Línea Directa


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Big Bang 90”

  • TV

Línea Directa Aseguradora begins a new stage in its advertising communication strategy in which it focuses on the customer and highlights the value of solidity, innovative coverage and the excellent service that, as a large multi-line insurance group, it offers in all its lines of business (Motor, Home and Health). The campaign marks a before and after in its way of advertising and once again breaks with the advertising codes of the insurance sector in Spain. “Big Bang” is the explosion that caused the appearance of Línea Directa in the Spanish market 27 years ago and that changed the way of doing insurance in Spain. Faced with a highly intermediated system and with a rigid and complex commercial offer, the distribution model only by telephone and internet and the flexibility and simplicity of its policies was a commercial success that quickly made Línea Directa one of the first insurance companies of automobile of the country. The first spot of this campaign maintains the characteristic pioneering tone and disruptive nature of the company’s advertising and lists precisely part of those coverages and services that always put the customer at the center.

Spot “Big Bang 60”

SPOT “EDISON” First spot of the Big Bang campaign aimed exclusively at electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Even Edison himself would have contracted insurance like this, with special all-risk coverage with a single and definitive price of only 249 euros.

SPOT “NOÉ” How good it would have been for Noé, because of the deluge and that, a home insurance like that of Línea Directa. First home spot for Línea Directa in the Big Bag campaign in which the price is valued through the product’s coverage.

SPOT “FILÍPIDES” If Filipides had had a scooter, surely he would have reached Marathon earlier. First spot of the Big Bang campaign’s motorcycle branch in which the price is valued from the product’s own coverage.

SPOT “MULTICOBERTURAS COCHE” First spot of the car line of the Big Bang campaign in which the price is valued from the product’s own coverage.


In early 2022, Línea Directa launched a novel campaign, bidding farewell to its main spokesperson, Matías Prats, after many years. This marked the beginning of a new phase for the brand, initiating the task of repositioning it and taking it to a new territory. This was no small feat, as during the last 10-15 years prior to this campaign, Línea Directa had occupied a space led by a spokesperson who had become very strong within the brand. Being a celebrity, he had naturally acquired high levels of notoriety.

Significantly increase brand awareness to drive phone calls in a business that relies entirely on the response generated by its advertising. Awareness is a decisive element.

Increase customer acquisition to meet the major goals of portfolio growth stemming from the new reality of the company, now part of the Ibex 35.

The brand had a great opportunity to move away from a price-focused narrative that was equating it with the competition. Línea Directa needed to highlight its attributes, explaining to people why it had achieved such competitive prices.

Price is a consequence of our business nature; it was and is our competitive advantage against the large, non-direct insurers. But price is an asset, and it should be approached not from a cheap standpoint but from a competent one.

In an insurance company, there is no merit in insuring at a high price with all coverages. What truly has merit is insuring with all coverages at a reasonable price. That is our position.

This realization led us to understand that we could begin to occupy a space we were legitimately entitled to. Línea Directa needed to be the first to set the pace in the direct business, occupying the space of excellence that positioned its price competitive advantage not as ‘cheap and low-quality’ but as a result of innovation and effort to offer that price.

We must remember that they were the ones who revolutionized the Spanish market 27 years ago and changed the way insurance was done in Spain. Against a highly intermediated system with a rigid and complex commercial offer, the distribution model solely by phone and internet, along with the flexibility and simplicity of their policies, was a commercial success that quickly made Línea Directa one of the leading car insurance companies in the country.

This opportunity allowed us to occupy the space of brands with a stronger image, making Línea Directa a full-fledged insurance group that allows us to grow while moving away from a price-only focus.

And how to creatively reflect the beginnings of such a revolutionary brand? In the same way that the most important beginning for humanity is represented: the beginning of the universe, with the Big Bang, where everything starts.

The metaphor of the world’s beginning with the start of the direct insurance world allowed us to convey that Línea Directa was in control. The Big Bang, besides being the start of the world, also allowed us to talk about a collision and the beginning of any part of an accident; who better than an insurance company to talk about collisions and protect us from them.

Taking advantage of this creative opportunity, many other ideas emerged that only fueled the narrative.

Thomas Edison, Noah… were resources that naturally arose from this idea and managed to encompass the brand’s coverages (electric cars, pets…). This way, a creative idea was achieved that was fertile enough to play with all the elements on the table and capable of being conveyed with a new pioneering tone, without losing humor.

The campaign was launched on TV and digital media in April 2022 and remained on screens through multiple shorter versions until September of the same year.

The campaign marked a before and after in its advertising approach and once again broke the advertising codes of the insurance sector in Spain.
According to a tracking study conducted in mid-2022, Línea Directa grew in Top of Mind awareness, also increasing in ad recall and widening the gap with its main competitor. Creatively, the campaign was perceived as far above the brand norm as Original, Different, Fun, and Impactful. According to the same study, there was no fatigue in the communication line, also adding good results in spontaneous awareness.

The brand equity remained above the levels prior to the change in the creative line and reached the highest historical level.
The brand was perceived as the most dynamic in the market, receiving very good reviews and recommendations to continue this new communication line.

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