Covers Campaign

Línea Directa


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Fundas”

  • TV

We present the new Línea Directa Health Insurance.


Starting in 2021, Línea Directa began building “the value of being direct” through powerful campaigns that reflected its commitment to offering the best possible price and the best coverage in the insurance market. With single-line policies adapted to individual needs and unique multi-line policies, constant innovation became a fundamental pillar of its strategy. However, the Group decided to go a step further by venturing into the health sector, thereby expanding its offerings and strengthening its position as a comprehensive leader in insurance.

Thus, a strategic phase aimed at communicating in this new sector began. Aware of the challenges it faced and with in-depth knowledge of the sector thanks to its previous experience with Vivaz health insurance, the company decided to shift its focus and direct its communication and products towards an uninsured audience. Despite having a solid reputation and recognition in the market, Línea Directa was strongly associated with car insurance, making it difficult to establish an optimal positioning as a specialist health brand. Moreover, the perception of the brand as a “low-cost” insurance provider, while rationally attractive, generated a weaker emotional connection when it came to seeking health services.

In response to this challenge, it was decided to prioritize the idea of offering quality and specialized service, with a secondary focus on price competitiveness.

This new initiative not only contributes to the Group’s growth and consolidation but also reinforces the idea of commitment to its clients’ health. By partnering with the best hospitals and ensuring direct access to specialists, Línea Directa offers a differentiated value proposition legitimized by its experience in the insurance sector.

All of this led to a powerful reflection: our health is what allows us to enjoy everything else, so we must take care of it. With the intention of elevating the Group’s perception and demonstrating all the lines it offers, it was proposed to use them as the narrative thread of the story. After all, it is pointless to insure our car, motorcycle, or home if we cannot enjoy them.

The relaunch of health insurance is conceived as a Group image campaign that welcomes this new stage. For all these reasons, the creativity aimed to convey the key message of the alliance with the main hospitals, thus supporting Línea Directa’s entry into the health sector. Through tactical pieces highlighting the price offer and accessibility to the best specialists. Regarding the price communication, a novel approach is adopted that seeks to highlight the importance of health in an emotional and cinematic manner. Through a spot that presents a series of carefully treated images and emotional music, it illustrates how caring for health is a concern that encompasses everyone.

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