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EVO Bank


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Presentation”

  • TV

EVO wanted to motivate those who had suffered the hardships of the pandemic to move house. EVO knows that the decision to move house is not an easy one, especially in times like these, when nothing is guaranteed and nothing is certain, except our terms and conditions. We wanted to tell them that a change of scenery was possible and to encourage them to “evolve” thanks to EVO, offering them a super-competitive mortgage that would help them make up their mind. A mortgage for those who see space and light where there is none.

The creative idea came from the experience of all those who have been working remotely from their homes for months, connected all day long to their computers. True, all those meetings via Zoom, TEAMS, Googlemeets, Chime, Whereby, Skype or Jitsi, were a bit too much, but at the same time, they have enabled us to discover things about others that we did not know. In particular, their houses – those of our co-workers and our bosses, and even those of our ex-partners.

We have crossed the most private thresholds to discover how well other people live compared to ourselves. Without saying it, we looked at all kinds of details with envy: the light, the garden, the office, the terrace and the space that others enjoy and which makes us dream. Such a sad thing could only be told through humour, so we created a multi-executional campaign that would allow us to show the widest possible range of homes and situations.


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “CEO”

Spot “I Knew it”

Spot “Yoga”

Spot “Attic”


EVO is a bank that was born in the midst of a financial crisis and wants to grow in the midst of another one. The commercial brand appeared in 2012 after the merger of the Galician savings banks. Following a privatisation process which saw it pass through the hands of a US investment fund (Apollo), it has been owned by Bankinter since May 2019.

Its name is a declaration of intent: it shows its origin and its commitment. EVO comes from evolving and it was born to grow and to change an existing business model. It is a bank without branches, whose operations and those of its customers are 100% digital. It is a brand that wants to rediscover finance as a way of building a better future. Its vector of differentiation is technology. It makes the most of the latest technology to streamline its processes.

Due to its youth, and given the fact that it has had so many parents in such a short period of time, EVO needs to build its brand quickly by presenting the image of a young and innovative bank whose differential positioning enables it to be more competitive and reliable in high-value products.

1. Position EVO as Bankinter’s 100% digital bank.

2. Improve awareness of the bank by increasing advertising notoriety.

3. Increase levels of consideration of the bank through online searches.

1. Communicate the EVO 30-year fixed rate mortgage as the cheapest on the market. 1.49% NIR 1.74% APR.

2. Succeed in selling mortgages over the internet in an atmosphere of total economic uncertainty.

In the case of EVO, identifying the insight became an opportunity. During the state of alarm, in the midst of the lockdown, we realised that despite the slump in the property market, the mere fact of having to be at home for longer than ever before made us all see the limitations of our houses. It is not the same to spend only a few hours a day resting, than having to be locked up at home 24 hours a day, and even worse, having to work. Overnight, our home also became our office. Almost all of us had to find a space to set up our new workplace.

This new scenario gave us the conviction that from the summer onwards many people would be considering moving house. That is why we decided to launch a mortgage campaign aimed at all those who were thinking of moving and offer them a 30-year fixed mortgage, with no fees, no conditions, and at a cheaper price than the one offered by the five major Spanish banks.

EVO wanted to encourage those who had suffered the narrowness of their homes during the pandemic to move house. It wanted to tell them to change and “evolve” thanks to EVO, offering them a super-competitive mortgage that would help them make up their minds. EVO knew that the decision to move house is not an easy one, and even less so in such uncertain times, when nothing is guaranteed and nothing is certain, except our conditions: 1.49% APR and 1.74% APR at a fixed rate for 30 years. A mortgage for those who see space and light where there is none.

The creative idea came from the experience of all those who have been working remotely from their homes for months, connected all day long to their computers. True, all those meetings via Zoom, TEAMS, Googlemeets, Chime, Whereby, Skype or Jitsi, were a bit too much, but at the same time, they have enabled us to discover things about others that we did not know. In particular, their houses – those of our co-workers and our bosses, and even those of our ex-partners. An insight originated in a digital environment to communicate the product of a bank 100% digital.

We have crossed the most private thresholds to discover how well other people live compared to ourselves. Without saying it, we looked at all kinds of details with envy: the light, the garden, the office, the terrace and the space that others enjoy and which makes us dream. Such a sad thing could only be told through humour, so we created a multi-executional campaign that would allow us to show the widest possible range of homes and situations.

  • EVO has successfully managed to get more than 1 million users to access the mortgage simulator.
  • In just 2 months -the last two months of 2020-, it formalized 687 mortgages worth more than 119 million euros.
  • In that same period, more than 232,000 people completed all the steps of the simulator and 347 made it to the notary signing step.
  • 54% of consumers impacted by the campaign identify EVO as “Bankinter’s 100% digital bank”.
  • “Videocalls” has helped to convey the image of a technology brand capable of offering the best mortgage in the market.
  • EVO has been more successful with its communication campaigns as it has reached higher levels of advertising recall per GRP.

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