Farewell to Matías Campaign

Línea Directa


Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Farewell to Matías”

  • TV

Línea Directa starts a transition with this ad where it’s the endorser who hands over the baton to his successor. It’s the first time that a campaign has taken the time and money to bid farewell to a celebrity who did so much and gave the brand credibility, solidity and trust. Now it’s a big brand and has shown its independence. Its flotation on the stock exchange shows that and it’s time it spoke for itself and shows its value. Everything is connected with the new tagline “The value of being direct”, so that Matías has the place he deserves as he’s been a strategic asset for the brand, positioning Direct Line where it wanted to be. It’s a novelty in Spanish communication, as it’s the first time ever that an endorser announces his possible successors. Each endorser defends why they are the ideal person for the job, encouraging viewers to choose them as their favourite. This way it communicates relevance, innovation and the ability to offer the best coverage at competitive prices.

Spot “Juanma second phase”

Spot “Mónica second phase”

Spot “Latre second phase”

Spot “Multi second phase”


Linea Directa is a company that’s been in the market for 27 years. It was the first company in the insurance sector to set up a new business model based on direct contracts; through direct contracts the company was able to stop investing in brokers/agents, branches and middlemen and that saving could be passed on to clients. After Linea Directa others arrived. Ten years ago, Linea Directa decided to feature Matías Prats as an endorser to transmit the values, credibility, strength and security an insurance company needs as a base. Línea Directa has been a huge success and in 2021 was floated on the stock exchange.

After many years with Matías Prats and a pricing strategy, the company needed to size up itself. Its floating on the stock exchange required a bigger client growth and not just in the motoring sector but also in other sectors such as home and health insurance, with the increase in coverage and security that all of this implies. The business model depends on and is stimulated by advertising, so, the marketing and advertising aims to increase calls and thus activate stock prices in the short term and in addition as a not so urgent but just as important communication aim what needed to be done was build the brand strategy to elevate brand image and size up its power as an insurance group.


  • Matías Prats had done his work now it was time to step up to a new level.
  • Building the brand solely on pricing was limiting us in many aspects.

We decided it was time to start going it alone, without an endorser. This way we would start to be listened to more carefully and anything new and relevant that the brand had to say would be better received. Secondly, we realized that the focus of the conversation on the price, placed us in a playing field that was too small for us because the brand had to grow. It’s a company that offers the same coverage as its competitors and in some cases better coverage, at a better price thanks to its business model. Starting to value the price by emphasising the coverage and the most strategic aspects of the brand and talking more individually about other lines of insurance that are not motor insurance would allow us to occupy the space of the brands with the best image, making Línea Directa a fully-fledged insurance group that will allow us to grow and move out of the “price axis” of the insurance market. The brand started to occupy a space that it’s legitimising, the first to set the pace of direct business, the space of good work that positions its competitive price advantage so that it is perceived not as something ‘cheap of low quality’ but as a consequence of having made an innovation, an effort to be able to give that price. The brand has to lead the direct insurance business, because it was the first, because it’s legitimised, because it’s strong and because it’s leadership is what allows it to open new niches and get new clients. The leadership is gained through credibility. And all this without abandoning its price conversation, which is what will allow it to participate in the short-term game, so necessary for a company like Línea Directa based on direct contracting.

The first thing we had to do was to say goodbye to the endorser and we couldn’t start a new brand language by simply turning our back on someone who had left such a mark on Línea Directa. It is polite to be grateful and starting the new journey by saying goodbye to a friend was essential. We also had to create expectation and start a dialogue with our clients. “Play” with the substitution of the endorser to end up telling people that deep down Linea Directa was ready to start going it alone, without a prescriber and hand in hand with the client is something that should be in the idea. Clever humour is part of the hallmark of the brand – a brand that revolutionises the insurance industry has to “look like” it too. Humour elevates your language. The strategy that we are going to carry out with Linea Directa isn’t just a campaign, it will be the year 2022 with a whole series of executions over the year, to make the brand strategy more tangible to become more than just price and grow.

• Great expectation, debate and participation on Social Media, reducing the cost of interactions by 45% vs previous campaigns.
• An increase in views + 708% vs. usual video and an increase in impressions of 509% vs. usual video, involving the public with up to 1710 comments on the campaign, participating in votes on who would be the new character for Línea Directa.

Commercial Results:
• Growth in demand across Línea Directa’s businesses. A +6% growth in car insurance in pull channels (telephone and internet) and +23% growth in home insurance quotes.

Media results:
• Línea Directa achieves a 5% growth in online search volume while in the sector they fall by 2% and 3%. The campaign allows the brand to be the most searched for insurance company during the period, increasing the distance over the rest of the insurance companies.
• In the media and after the investment in TV in longer formats due to the need to work on the brand’s qualification, the media plan has been optimised, achieving a lower but more effective frequency. Higher % of prime time.
• Remembrance of elements of the advert. Qualitative attention.
• Significant increase in the main digital media KPIs. An increase in conversion rate of 17% and Click Through rate of +11%.
• In digital media there are more than +2.6M interactions and consequently +63% Engagement through Rate above benchmark.

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