Long live the dough Campaign



Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Long live the dough”

  • TV

The biggest challenge for Telepizza, from a communication standpoint, was to reevaluate its brand, which was unsuccessfully trying to compete with part of its competition by attempting to enter the youth market, disguising itself as young without truly being so, and missing the opportunity to reach broader target audiences, something that is required by the scale of the business. They need to sell more than the competition. What we did was embrace and acknowledge our strengths (a historic brand that has brought great joy to society) and redefine the brand’s values to make it relevant. People want to love Telepizza; we had to make ourselves lovable. But we needed time to achieve this; “Viva la masa, ahí está el secreto” (“Long live the dough, that’s the secret”) is a start, a great start that has been warmly received and has produced great results.

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Telepizza, a leader in home pizza delivery in Spain since its establishment in 1987, has been a pioneer in innovation and quality, operating independently for many years. The iconic slogan “Telepizza, the secret is in the dough” has deeply rooted itself in popular culture, being recognized by both young people and families (Colider Study 2022). However, today Telepizza faces new challenges that demand an adaptation to the brand’s reality, which has evolved and is perceived differently compared to its beginnings. In this context, the brand embarks on a strategic process to align its perception with the current reality, maintaining its commitment to innovation, quality, and leadership in home delivery service.

Marketing Objectives:
1. Boost sales volume.
2. Improve market share against Pizza Delivery trends.
3. Revitalize Brand Funnel: Increase consideration and purchase intent.

Communication Objectives:
1. Quality Perception: Highlight superior standards.
2. Value Proposition: Enhance perception of differentiated benefits.
3. Brand Index: Optimize brand index for a strong image.
4. Overall Liking: Improve overall impression to drive preference.

Telepizza had been a leading brand in the recent past when the competitive environment was much smaller. It had introduced home pizza delivery to Spain, being able to connect with consumers through an interesting and distinctive proposition in terms of price and product. Now, the brand faced new challenges with a brand reality different from perception, marked by intense competition and the need to stand out in a changeable market. Therefore, it embarks on an internal reflection to rediscover its key attributes: a sector leader with 7,000 delivery drivers, large, with over 720 establishments, authentically Spanish, expert in its flagship product, the dough.

And the greatest advantage of all… a brand that is in the heart and in the popular culture of this country, that gap could not be missed.
Telepizza has decided to abandon the “Telepi” name and revert to “Telepizza,” recognizing the importance of focusing on the product, especially pizza. The brand is moving away from its youthful appearance to embrace popular culture and reconnect with consumers (families) who had their first pizza delivery experience with them. This shift in focus broadens the target audience to include families and adults, essential for the business, which has more than 700 stores in Spain. The strategy aims to revitalize the brand in the medium and long term without neglecting immediate sales, encouraging customers to place orders through competitive pricing and innovation. Furthermore, the aim is to reinforce the brand by anchoring it to the slogan ‘The Secret is in the Dough,’ restoring its meaning by putting the consumer, staff, and all the people who have contributed to Telepizza’s success over the years at the center of communication. Hence, giving them the best pizza dough on the market (the secret is in the dough), to the masses of this country, the masses a brand should always bet on, seemed like the best move for the brand. LONG LIVE THE DOUGH, THAT’S WHERE THE SECRET LIES. This approach seeks not only to project a product-centric identity but also to highlight the emotional connection with those who have been an integral part of the brand.

We wanted to pay homage to the pleasure of the end of the day, the pleasure we all deserve after giving our all, whether at work or with our children. Who hasn’t wanted to treat themselves to a good pizza after a tough day? The setting of the palace contrasted with the idea of privilege. Yolanda Ramos, with her pure humor, stood out as the ideal representative. Additionally, the idea of using a celebrity was an important decision to make the most of a limited media budget (more impact with less budget). The choice of the song “Driver’s Seat” by Sniff’n’Tears added a hook and power to the narrative.

With what we had, we made the most of it. It’s not easy in the QSR (fast-food) market, and the client has shown trust and courage because the pressure they face is considerable. “Long Live the Dough” has reached a cumulative audience of +46MM, with +15MM views, +90k visits on their own social channels, and +20k new followers on social media. During the launch week, the campaign managed to improve all of Telepizza’s key metrics: it increased brand awareness by 22.6%; brand impression by 27.5%; reputation by 16%; value proposition by 15.3%, and quality by 24%. The campaign has shown a very positive impact on consumers, increasing purchase consideration by 18.9% and purchase intent by 1.4%. These results certify that the campaign has been a complete success.

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