Your accounts from rap to ballad Campaign



Sioux meet Cyranos

Spot “Yor accounts from Rap to Ballad”

  • TV

Bankinter’s commitment to its clients and music are still present in this ad where it continues to make music an element that drives messages as part of the positioning of “The bank that sees money like you do”. Andrés Ceballos (DVICIO) gives a voice to the song written by Leandro Raposo, which shows in an informal way the chronology of a bank balance for most Spanish people over the “from Rap to Ballad” month, as a symbol of the waning evolution of the aforementioned deposit. The aim is to give value to the advantages of “the bank’s star product” highlighted through a powerful insight and brought to life through the raw materials of the bank and its

A bank that started its new strategic positioning in March 2020 with “the bank that sees money the way you do”, a new territory that allows the bank to show its way of doing and saying things from the most important thing that a bank should have as its solidity and profitability are already established, its empathy, its human side. It’s been a very differentiating territory that is building a lot for the Bankinter brand, a bank which by size and advertising investment is very far from its most direct competitor. In fact Bankinter has opened up a communication territory in the bank sector which is now being followed by some of its competitors. It distanced itself from the conceitedness and grandeur, the data, big sponsorship deals and got closer to what’s really important to clients: trust, transparency, solidity, facts , empathy … Bankinter is one of the most solid banks in this country and is in third place in solidity and profitability in the European sector. An example of good practice. With its hits and misses, the idea is to be very conscious of both and work to increase the former and minimise the latter.

1. Having said that, Bankinter has to take advantage in a masterful way of the communication opportunities, its budget is so irrelevant in respect to the sector average, that every time it communicates it has to do so with a lot of focus and being aware that the impact has to be big.

2. The rap to ballad exercise was born with the tactical aim of gaining new clients for the remunerated account (340€ in 2 years for having your salary account, pension, self-employed). The only remunerated account on the market that works in a strategic way, in other words, it’s not on/off like other banks and it’s been active for 9 years and is the bank’s most relevant account. Its nature is prosperity , of joining talent.

3. From the communication the aim was to gain new clients but also build the brand through the tone and the insight that tried to show the empathy of a brand that says it’s the “bank that sees money like you do”.

And there is no better way to show that empathy than by putting yourself in the shoes of anyone who has a paycheck or has had one at some point. We all connect with the experience and feeling of being generous with ourselves and others when we perceive that the account is overflowing (at the beginning of the month) and of becoming more stoic at the end of the month when we’ve spent almost everything. The insight was there, and it was easy to empathize and connect with it. This is when the product/tangible aspect makes its appearance. It’s true that €340 won’t make you rich, but at least it shows the bank’s INTENTION to relieve, even if just a little, the reality of its customers.
The reality is that the remunerated account does not completely ease the “ballad” of the end of the month, but what it does demonstrate is the attitude of collaborating and alleviating as much as possible the potential tightness when the paycheck has already been spent. Bankinter works to be more and more relevant in the tangible response to that insight.
Bankinter has music at the heart of its identity since it launched “the bank that sees money the way you do” that’s why on this occasion the connecting thread also had to be music and rhyme. There was an interesting way to metaphorise the abundance of money (the rap world) and austerity (the spiritual, the romantic, ballad) and that’s where the creative work was. On the production side we decided to work with someone of renown like DVICIO so that they could sing both feelings musically. As they were well known it helped the impact and awareness given the tight budget and also that the singer could sing rap and ballads and work well in both was fundamental to helping make the idea understandable … in the end it’s the journey of a person from the start to the end of the month.

• In terms of new clients, Bankinter closed 2021 growing 18% in respect to 2020 and 15% in respect to 2019.
• The data for growth in the last quarter of 2021 compared to the previous year at the start of the pandemic, 2019, are 3% in October and 17% in November.
• In the four weeks previous to the campaign, average awareness of Bankinter was 0.66. Over the first four weeks of the campaign, average awareness was 1.83. There was growth of +177%. The ad was identified with Bankinter and was remembered.

According to qualitative market research carried out in November by Big Band to the general Spanish population aged between 25 and 70 in a sample of 619 interviews:

• Bankinter recovered proximity giving it a perception of a bigger commitment to clients and society in general … There is a very clear direction being shown in the bank’s brand image, a human bank, linked to people, that listens and in the client’s side.
• As for brand image, Bankinter is still standing out slightly above the rest of the banks for its honesty and transparency and this campaign has contributed in a large measure to that.
• It’s the campaign that generated the most expectation from Bankinter in 2021.
• 39% of the target was impacted by the campaign, TV being the main generator of advertising recall, followed by radio, which generated a direct link to Bankinter.

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